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Frank's electron Tube Data sheets Search Engine
Powered by Altana Tubes

type in the code of the tube

Found 200 data sheets
Electron tube Type Brand System Data sheet
0.06 universal vademecum (1960) (pl) 097.pdf
0.06D universal vademecum (1960) (pl) 097.pdf
0.06DG universal vademecum (1960) (pl) 149.pdf
00 universal vademecum (1960) (pl) 115.pdf
00A RCA (1937) 00A.pdf
00A RCA (HB3) (HB3) 00A.pdf
00A universal vademecum (1960) (pl) 115.pdf
00A brans (1938) 00A.gif
01 universal vademecum (1960) (pl) 115.pdf
01A RCA (1937) t 00A.pdf
 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10  ...  

Clique aqui para dicas em português
  • Enter tube code or a part of it
  • Do not type 6L6-G but just 6L6. In many cases I have deleted the '-' from the type number. (You can find 6L6G but not 6L6-G)
  • Use . in stead of , (e.g.: Type RL2.4 Not RL2,4)
  • The search supports 'regular expression'. Use _ to replace one unknow character or % for many
  • To get data for a tube wich code starts with a particular character, put a space on the begining of your search. Example: to get all tubes that start with 6A, type ' 6A'
  • To get data for a tube with a very specific code, put a space at the begining and end of the search. Example: entering ' el84 ' will ignore tubes as EL844 and EL84F
  • It does not matter if you type upper or lower case. ECC83 or ecc83 will return the same data
The search will list datasheets for the type you entered if they are present on this web-site, including equivalents, vademecum pages and short data. In case of no results, you can try at Duncan Munro or at Bill Beech or ... Google.
Although there is Russian tubedata availabe, the search can not handle cyrillic characters. You can find Russian tube data by replacing the cyrillic charactes by latin characters. The table at the bottom of this page shows the translation used for the tube type numbers.
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Cyrillic Ш А Б В Г Д Е Ж И К Л М Н О П Р С Т У Ф Х Ц Э
Latin SZ A B V G D E Z I K L M N O P R S T U F H C e